

It is planned that CBCFlow will be available within the igwn environment - until this is true please see Installation for the process of setting up an environment with CBCFlow.

Default Configuration

CBCFlow has a user dependent default configuration, set in ~/.cbcflow.cfg. At present this will look like:

# Set the library to use by default
# In typical use this is likely a result of git cloning the O4a library:
# For command line calls you can always set a non-default library to use with the flag
# --library path/to/library

# The gracedb service url to use: this should be set as below
# However, in most cases it will not prove necessary
# For the average user

# Optionally you may point to a non-standard meta-data schema
# Take caution in doing so!
# This would take the form of
# schema=/path/to/schema/file

# You may also point to a non-standard index schema
# This will be exceedingly uncommon, since the standard index schema is already quite flexible
# However, it is included for completeness
# This would take the form of
# index-schema=/path/to/index/schema/file

All of these arguments are, strictly speaking optional. It is recommended to set a default library, strictly from an ergonomic perspective, but the average user may comfortably choose not to set the other fields (or, for ease of use, just copy the above and leave them unchanged).

If you want to use a specific configuration for, e.g. a monitor, then this may be written and pointed to by the relevant program directly.


cbcflow uses argcomplete to help with setting arguments. There is a global completion setup (see the documentation), but a fallback (often useful on clusters with changing environments) is to register the executable directly. This can be done by running

$ eval "$(register-python-argcomplete cbcflow_update_from_flags)"

Note, this command requires that you have installed argcomplete.

Once initialised, you can tab complete to get help with setting elements of the metadata. For example,

$ cbcflow_update_from_flags SXXYYZZabc --Info-[TAB]

will either auto complete all the --Info- options, or print a list of available options.

Getting help

For all cbcflow programs, one may run e.g.

$ cbcflow_update_from_flags --help

for help in how to use the program.