
Installing cbcflow from release

To install the latest cbcflow release from PyPi, run

$ pip install --upgrade cbcflow

Install cbcflow for development

To install cbcflow for development, run

$ git clone
$ cd cbcflow
$ pip install -e .

For development, we will use pre-commit to check standardisation. For help with this, see the documentation. In short, run

$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

Then, when you create a git commit, pre-commit will try to standardize your changes. If there are changes, you will then need to add them and commit again. In some cases, pre-commit will print out suggested changes that are required (e.g. when there are spelling errors), but not fix them automatically. Here, you will need to fix the software directly, add, and then commit.

Note that if you do not install pre-commit, you can still push, but if the standardisation checks fail, the C.I. on gitlab will fail.

If you experience issues, you can commit with --no-verify and push then request help (cc @gregory.ashton and/or @rhiannon.udall).